What Kind of Content Works Most Effectively in Video Marketing?

Demonstrating a Physical Product or Service People have always liked to try products and services before buying them, that’s why stores often use product demonstrations to sell products, and why the TV sales channels and call-to-action ads (with hotlines and special buy it here exclusively, or buy it now offers) have always done so well.…

How To Create Effective Content For Your Video Campaigns

Did you know that you should be using video in your marketing mix because it is the most engaging form of communication, activating more of the senses than any other single communication form. Video provides an opportunity to build trust, to literally speak directly to your viewers, and to showcase yourself, your business, or your…

PowerPoint Editing Tutorial – Basic Edits

The tutorials below will introduce you to the basic concepts you need to start editing the templates. While these apply to the real estate templates, the principles are the same and can be applied to all slides. *More tutorials, including advanced techniques such as character animation will be added over the coming weeks Basic Edits…