Did you know that you should be using video in your marketing mix because it is the most engaging form of communication, activating more of the senses than any other single communication form. Video provides an opportunity to build trust, to literally speak directly to your viewers, and to showcase yourself, your business, or your products and services in a way that is not possible with static content.
Video marketing has become an essential marketing tool for all businesses with any online presence. With YouTube being the second largest search engine, and websites using video landing pages ranking significantly higher on Google than those without, it is crazy not to at least consider using video in your own online campaigns and marketing strategies.
Combined with effective use of Social Media, it is possible to drive a rapid increase in visitors to your website and substantially increase your traffic, leads and sales.
There are now numerous channels (YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, and Instagram) to distribute your videos and indeed many tools to enable even amateurs to do so.
However, to effectively engage your viewers and encourage them to signup, click-through, request more information, or buy your products, you will need to create content using the following rules!
What You Must Include in Your Videos!
The Story
Whether you want to grow your mailing list, sell a product, or elicit customer queries (leads), you are more likely to be successfull if you create a story-based video than just going straight into sales mode.
Just like any other form of marketing, you need to keep focus on what the customer needs, what problem are your business and your products/services solving for your viewer.
Your video story should have a beginning, climax and resolution to be truly effective.
Being innovative with how this is done (the ‘sales pitch’ doesn’t need to be at the end of the video) can be really effective (see mint.com) for an example of how to do this!
Keep It Short!
If you are creating explainer videos, then 60-90 seconds is receommended. This should be sufficient time to get your idea, product, or service across to your viewer. There are many examples of great explainer videos within this timeframe which have been hugely successful in selling products, generating leads, or growing mailing lists.
Remember that your viewers are probably time-limited and are used to spending short durations reading or watching online content, so any video which is too long will not keep them engaged unless it is truly sepcial (which usually means very expensive!). If you feel the need to tell a longer story, consider breaking you video into a mini series.
However, you might get better value creating multiple small videos for each of your products, or services and creating separate campaigns and landing pages for them. This also makes it easier to track indoividual product/campaign conversions.
Your Call-To-Action
There is absolutely no point putting a video online without a call-to-action. That is, just like any other sales or landing page, it is necessary to ask the viewer to do something for you; sign-up to an email list, download a brochure / whitepaper, request a call-back, trial, or buy a product. Make it explicit what to to next and make it simple to do!